Study the phrasal verbs. Lead-in.

The daughter takes after her mother not only in appearance, but also in character.

Sam: “I think you should have your clothes taken out. They are too tight.”

Ken: “You’re right. Your trousers need taking up as they are too long. Your sweater needs taking in as it is too loose.”

The interviewer: “Our company is currently taking on new employees.To apply for this position, you don’t need to take out a certificate at the employment agency.”

Rick is considering taking up tennis. But he’s afraid that tennis might take up too much of his free time.

More phrasal verbs with TAKE …

be taken abackbe shocked, surprised:
The visitors were taken aback when they saw the interior of the castle.
take after  resemble sb from your family in appearance or character:
The twins take after their father in appearance.
take away  make sth disappear:
A short trip may take away your inner pain after the breakup.
buy dishes in a restaurant to eat it at home à takeaway food:
We’d like two coffees to take away, please.
take back  remember sth that happened in the past:
This home-made pie takes me back to my childhood when my granny baked various pies and cakes for us, their grandchildren.
return an item to the place where you’ve bought it because it is faulty or damaged or you don’t want it any more:
You had better take this skateboard to the shop, otherwise your mum will be angry.
accept sb after their relationship is over:
We’ve broken up, I’m not going to take Mike back.
admit saying sth wrong:
Take your words back, or we’ll be sworn enemy! cried Jill hysterically.
take down  write information on a piece of paper:
At the secretariat they took my personal data down and said that they would contact me soon.
disassemble sth with a view to removing it:
The installation has to be taken down as the exhibition is closed.
lower the pants you have on, but not completely:
The doctor wanted to examine the rash on the child’s hip, so he asked to take down the shorts a bit.
take in  make clothes tighter, more narrow, less loose and/ or baggy so that they fit you well:
This jacket definitely needs to be taken in as it is two sizes too big for you, said Martin.
I’ve read War and Peace twice and I still haven’t taken in why Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky postpone their wedding.
comprise sth, include:
This report takes in the period from march to September of 2021.
cheat sb, deceive sb by saying sth that isn’t true:
Sally tried to take Mary in so many times that Mary doesn’t trust her any more.
be taken inbe deceived, be told a lie:
Listen, Dan, I won’t be taken in by your words.
take off  leave the ground (ab. airplanes):
Hardly had the plane taken off when there was a telephone call warning about a bomb on board that plane. 
remove a piece of clothing you have on:
Please, take off your shoes and come in.
imitate sb’s voice or behaviour for fun:
Jack is brilliant at taking off other people’s gait.
dismiss sb:
She was taken off the case on compassionate grounds.
become a success:
The product they launched last year took off immediately.
take onemploy sb, give sb a job:
The company is taking on new staff now, you may apply.
agree to assume the responsibility to do sth:
Mary is snowed under; she can’t take on more work.
assume a new characteristic/ feature/ quality:
Her face took on a greyish colour after seeing a ghost.
take outtake sth from the inside of a pocket, bag, etc.:
She took a couple of fashion magazines out of her bag and put them onto the table.
invite sb to a club, cafè, restaurant, etc and take them there:
I’m taking my family out for dinner.
extract, e.g., a tooth:
The surgeon took out half of his sick lung to save his life. 
get a document officially:
I took out a bank statement last week.
make clothes less tight, looser:
If you continue wolfing down food, soon you’ll have to have all your clothes taken out.
take overtake control or responsibility in sb’s place:
Mr. Black agreed to take over while the boss is away on business for a week.
(~ from sb) start doing sth sb else was doing to replace them:
She took over as President of the company when her father died.
take to  start liking a person:
Little John immediately took to Sarah, and they started spending more time together.
start a habit:
She’s taken to going out on Saturday nights.
take up  start a hobby:
I think I’ll take up tennis to stay in good shape.
make clothes shorter:
This skirt is a bit too long for Mary, it needs to be taken up.
use time or space:
Cooking takes up too much time. This sofa takes little room.
