
Look at the different kinds of food in the box below. Say:

  • which of the kinds of food below you like, which you don’t like and why.
  • if there are restaurants near you which serve this food and where they are.
fast food  

Activity 1

Complete the sentences with these pairs of words.

  • 1 There’s a little Japanese ___________ near my office, which ___________ great sushi!
  • 2 It often gets really ___________, so you sometimes have to wait for a while to get a ___________.
  • 3 We often go to a small Spanish place near here. The ___________ is great. The ___________ are always really friendly.
  • 4 They have a big selection of vegetarian ___________, so you’ll have plenty to ___________ from.
  • 5 The first time I went there, it was really good ___________, but I went there again recently and it was quite expensive and the ___________ were much smaller!
  • 6 I went there once, and I had this dish which tasted ___________, but when I complained about it, the waiter was quite ___________.
  • 7 They have a fixed menu, and there isn’t much ___________. There are usually just two or three ___________ for each course.
  • 8 It’s great. You can sit outside on the ___________ there and get an incredible ___________ over the city.
  • 9 I really want to go there again. I ___________ this amazing seafood dish when I went there. In fact, it was all really ___________, but it’s also really expensive.

Activity 2

Think of two restaurants you’ve been to on holiday. Underline some of the language in Activity 1 you can use to describe the places. Then work in groups and share your experiences.

We went to a little Argentinian place in the north of Spain, which did amazing grilled meat. We sat outside on a terrace with a view over the sea. The food was delicious, and the portions were really big. it was really good value.

Activity 3

Listen to two colleagues – Sara and Victor – discussing where to eat. Find out where they decide to go and why.

Activity 4

Work in pairs. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Listen again and check your answers.

  • 1 They both like Thai food.
  • 2 The seafood place is in a department store.
  • 3 Sara eats any kind of food.
  • 4 They need to get a bus to go to Selale.
  • 5 Sara doesn’t like Turkish food.
  • 6 They are definitely eating in Selale.

Activity 5

Discuss these questions.

  • Which of the three restaurants in Activity 3 would you prefer to eat in? Why?
  • How often do you eat out for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Where do you go? Who with?


The present perfect simple is formed using have/has + the past participle.
We often use it to start conversations and find out about other people’s experiences.  

Activity 6

Look at the extracts from the conversations in Exercise 3 and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

  • S: Well, there’s a really nice Thai place just down the road. Have you ever been there?
  • V: Yeah, I go there a lot. I actually went there yesterday.
  • V: Well, why don’t we go to Selale instead. Have you been there?
  • S: No. I’ve never heard of it. Where is it?
  • V: It’s Turkish. It’s really good. I’ve been there a few times.
  • S: Really? I haven’t ever had Turkish food.
  • V: You’re joking.

  • 1 The past participle is usually the same as the past simple form.
  • 2 Always answer a present perfect question with a present perfect form such as Yes, I have.
  • 3 Don’t use the present perfect with a past time phrase such as yesterday or a few years ago.
  • 4 Make the present perfect negative using not or never after have / has.

Activity 7

Complete each sentence with two ideas. Try to make them true and surprising!

  • I’ve never eaten / drunk…
  • I’ve never been to…
  • I’ve never …

Activity 8

Share your ideas from Activity 7. Respond using some of these phrases.

Activity 9

Complete the sentences using the present perfect or the past simple form of the verbs.

  • 1 A: _____________ anything unusual? (ever eat)
  • B: Yeah, I _____________ bat soup once. (have)
  • 2 A: _____________ to an expensive restaurant? (ever go)
  • B: Yes, I _____________ to a very famous Spanish place with work. Luckily, my boss _____________! (go, pay)
  • 3 A: _____________ in a restaurant? (ever complain)
  • B: Yeah, a few times, actually. Last week I _____________ in a café because the food _____________ cooked properly. (complain, not be)
  • 4 A: _____________ a hair in your food? (ever find)
  • B: No, never, but I once _____________ a piece of glass in a burger. I couldn’t believe it! (find)
  • 5 A: _____________ any of Jamie Oliver’s recipes? (try)
  • B: No, I _____________ of him. (never hear)
  • 6 A: _____________ Masterchef? (watch)
  • B: I _____________ it a few times, but I don’t really like cookery programmes. (see)

Activity 10

Listen to the six questions in Exercise 9. Notice how have you ever is pronounced /hǝvju:wevǝ(r)/.

Activity 11

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner the questions in Activity 9 and give true answers. Then write five more Have you ever…? questions.

Making and responding to suggestions. Look at how we make suggestions and respond to them.

A: Where do you want to go?
B: There’s a nice Indian place round the corner. How about that?
A: To be honest, I don’t really feel like a curry today.
B: Well, why don’t we go to Prego instead.
A: Oh, I went there once but I had a dish that tasted disgusting.

Activity 12

Work in pairs. Write similar conversations using these ideas.

  • 1 Gino’s Pizzas / pizza yesterday / the Thai place next to it
  • 2 Mexican place by the river / don’t feel like / the seafood place near here
  • 3 café round the corner / not much choice / a Chinese restaurant
  • 4 Harvey’s restaurant / last time service bad / order a takeaway

Activity 13

Spend a few minutes thinking of three places where you might go and eat with other students in your class. What’s good/bad about them?

Activity 14

Have conversations similar to the one you heard in the listening. Use these questions to start. Reject at least one of your partner’s ideas and explain why.

  • Are you hungry?
  • Do you want to get something to eat?
  • Where are you thinking of going?
  • Have you ever been there?

Activity 1

Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

  • How often do you eat the following kinds of food? Explain why.
  • Which of these things have you eaten today?
  • When you eat out, do you generally order the same thing or do you like trying different things?

Activity 2

Add three words from the box to each column in the table below.

bitter fruitgrilled herbmild rawroast seafoodshell skinsoft stone
how eatentaste and texturepart of foodkind of food
fried boiledhard sweet    leg seedmeat vegetable

Activity 3

Match each description to one photo.

1 They’re a kind of seafood. They’re quite big and white, not very soft, with a mild taste – not very salty. They’re usually fried or grilled in the shell. They have a big shell – almost the size of my hand.

2 It’s a kind of fruit. It’s green. It has a very thick skin, which you don’t eat, and a very big stone in the middle. The inside is green and it’s not really sweet or bitter. You usually eat it in a salad, or you sometimes make a kind of sauce with it.

Activity 4

Describe four different foods for your partner to guess.

Activity 5

Read the restaurant menu. Put a tick () next to the dishes that look good to you, a cross (X) next to any dishes that don’t look good and a question mark (?) next to any dishes you don’t understand.

Activity 6


  • Try to explain some of the dishes to the others.
  • What would you order in this restaurant? Why?
  • Is there anything you really wouldn’t eat? Why?

Activity 7

Decide who you think asks each question (a-j) – a waiter (W) or a customer (C)?

  • a Could I just have a coffee, please?
  • b Would you like to see the dessert menu?
  • c Does it contain any meat?
  • d Shall we leave a tip?
  • e Could we get some water as well, please?
  • f Are you ready to order?
  • g Have you booked?
  • h Would you like a high chair for the little girl?
  • i Could we have the bill, please?
  • j Could you get us a cloth, please?

Activity 8

(Track 21) Listen to six short conversations in The Globe restaurant. Put the questions (a-j) in Exercise 7 in the order you hear them.

Activity 9

Can you remember the answers to any of the ten questions? Discuss your ideas. Then listen again and check your answers.

Offers, requests, suggestions

To make polite offers, we often use Would you like…?

Would you like to see the menu?

To make polite requests, we often use Could you / I / we …?

Could you get us a cloth, please?
Could I just have a coffee?

To make suggestions, we often use Shall I / we …?

Shall we leave a tip?

Activity 10

Complete the questions with would, could or shall.

  • 1 A: ___________ we just have a jug of tap water, please?
  • B: I’m afraid not, madam. You have to buy a bottle.
  • 2 A: ___________ we get the bill?
  • B: Yeah, it’s getting late and I’m tired.
  • 3 A: ___________ we have a half portion for the kids?
  • B: Of course, sir.
  • 4 A: ___________ you like to see the drinks list, madam?
  • B: No thanks. ___________ we just have some water?
  • 5 A: ___________ we ring them and book a table?
  • B: That’s a good idea. They get quite busy.
  • 6 A: ___________ you move your chair a little so I can get past?
  • B: I’ll get up. There’s not much room in here.
  • 7 A: ___________ you like me to order for everyone?
  • B: Yes, if you don’t mind. There’s so much to choose from.
  • 8 A: ___________ we get a taxi, or do you want to walk?
  • B: Let’s walk. It’s a lovely night. It’s so warm.

Activity 11

Take turns asking the questions from Activity 10. Give different answers.

Activity 12

Work in groups. You are going to roleplay a conversation. One student is the waiter, and the others are a group of friends. Decide who will take which role. Look at The Globe restaurant menu and the guide below and think about what you will say.

 Take drink order and check customers understand the menu.
Ask about different dishes. 
 Take the order and make an offer/suggestion.
Discuss what you’re eating and make two requests to the waiter. 
 Respond to requests. Later, ask if they would like desserts.
Discuss desserts and/or ask for the bill. 
 Give the bill.
Discuss the bill and how you’ll pay. 

Activity 13

Now roleplay the conversation.