Study the phrasal verbs. Lead-in.

Carla is off school today.

Her favourite ballet performance is on today.

Boy: “Who wants to go on a picnic?”

Girl (on the left): “I am against.”

Girl (on the right): “I am for. When shall we go?”

The dog is after Mike.

Mike is after the bike for his birthday.

More phrasal verbs with BE …

be after  want something:
I am after that black bike for my birthday.
chase somebody:
I don’t know why that big dog is after me!
be against (A2)not agree about something:
She didn’t want to comply with the new regulation, she was against it.
be for  support somebody’s idea:
I’m for going on a picnic.
be in for (C2)be about to experience sth negative:
We are in for hales this week.
be on  be shown on TV:
What’s on at the cinema today?
be offnot be at work/ school:
Mike’s off for a few days. Can you substitute him?
not like something any more:
I’m off sweets.
be out of  not have something anymore:
They are out of money now.
be overbe finished:
The meeting is over, you may go now.
be upnot be sleeping, be awake:
I’m up, don’t worry I won’t be late for school again!
be going on or happening:
What’s up, man?
be up to sthbe doing something:
Hey guys, what are you up to?
be up to sbbe somebody’s responsibility:
It’s up to you to decide what to do next.


Exercise 1

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 2

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 3

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 4

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 5

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 6

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 7

There are no questions

Exercise 8*

Wrong shortcode initialized

Exercise 9*

Wrong shortcode initialized